Webinar : VitaraCharts for MicroStrategy Desktop , Web and Mobile

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Organizations can extend the power of MicroStrategy by adding 20+ new and exciting visuals for end users and developers with VitaraCharts library . Join Hema Pratapa, Co-founder of Vitara, as she walks through use cases and presents real-world examples of dashboards built on MicroStrategy using VitaraCharts plug-ins. 

This webcast will cover: 
a)How organizations can deploy VitaraCharts library to add 20+ new visualizations to MicroStrategy without any coding or SDK use 
b) Learn how Vitaracharts library can be used for Report Services Documents as DHTML widgets and 

b)How you can add some serious “it” factor to your dashboards with advanced visualizations like Calendar charts, Microcharts, Expandable Grids, Animated KPIs, Tornado, Trellis, Mekko, Histogram, Waterfall and Waffle charts .

WHEN : SEPT 13 , 9:30 AM PDT 

REGISTER NOW : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1892166437938213378